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School Districts in Hiring Frenzy to get Staffed up by August

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School districts are in a hiring frenzy across the country and in a Southern state. Many districts are making a switch from virtual to full-time, in-person teaching for the fall semester.

School Positions Opening

Moreover, there are hundreds of teacher and staff openings across Metroplex. In fact, there is just one month left to get staffed up.

Federal relief money is the result of many of these openings as new positions are created. The money is part of an effort to help reduce class size. Thus increase services for students who fell behind.

In fact, Summer is a traditional and common time for retirements and resignations but the COVID-19 pandemic made that worse.

“At this point, we are competing for experienced teachers,” said Clint Bond, spokesman for the Fort Worth ISD. COVID-19 probably had a hand in helping make some of the decisions for the teachers. Perhaps they wanted to do something else instead. Then not come back to the classroom.”

School Teachers with Experience are in Demand

Moreover, Fort Worth ISD is looking for hundreds of teachers with experience and expertise in bilingual, math, science, and special education.

Depending on experience, there are bonus incentives. However, new hires can still expect attractive salaries.

“We new teachers can make $58,000 their first year and we have positioned them at that figure. That, in fact, does put us amongst the highest in the Forth Worth and another city in the area for new teachers,” said Bond.

Staff Positions are Available

For staff positions, there are openings as well. Those include electricians, plumbers, HVAC, and bus drivers. In fact, bus drivers can make as much as $18 an hour. That is if you don’t have a license. Moreover, they can pay you $10 an hour while you are being trained.

Personal and Auxiliary Positions

“Moreover, we cannot run a school district just on the teachers alone. In fact, we really have to have other personnel and auxiliary positions. In fact, teacher assistance is a big deal. Therefore, as a result, we have increased the pay for teacher assistants from $11 to $15 an hour,” said Bond.

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